Thursday, October 31, 2019
Disorders Involving the Sex Chromosomes Term Paper
Disorders Involving the Sex Chromosomes - Term Paper Example The chromosomes are numbered such that they are given the numerical figures 1†¦..22 and the 23rd is the one that determines the individual sex. In total there are 23 chromosomes in human beings, the 23d being the sex chromosome with x and y as the determinants. In the normal female, the chromosome number 23 will read xx while that of the male will be reading XY (Pinsky, Erickson and Schimke 234). The alteration of the normal reading leads to what is called chromosomal disorders. The chromosomal disorders leads to the addition or deletion of either X or Y-chromosomes. Several disorders have been identified as disorders in the sex chromosomes and demonstrate distinct characteristics as manifested phenotypically (Goldberg 157). It must be noted that there are significant difference between the disorders that arise from the autosomal chromosomes (1†¦22) and those of the sex chromosomes (Passarge 98). The chromosomes that determine sex in man is coded as XY while that of females is XX, the alteration of the arrangements may lead to any of the following conditions. Turner Syndrome It is coded as XO; it is referred to as monosomy X given that the complement Y-chromosomes is missing. The fact that the syndrome results into just one X chromosome without the Y chromosome, such individuals are always females (Milunsky and Milunsky 245). The incidence of the syndrome is quite uncommon and can only be found one in every five thousand people. One of the most significant effects of the condition is sterility (Milunsky and Milunsky 256). Klinefelter Syndrome This is also a rare syndrome as for every 1000 there is only one person with the condition. Unlike Turners syndrome that involves deletion of the Y chromosome, it involves the addition of the X chromosomes (Goldberg 165). The syndrome can appear in two forms XXY or XXXY. Most of the individuals affected by this kind of disorder are males due to the presence of the Y-chromosomes. The presence of the compounded X c hromosomes makes the individuals with the condition to posses female like qualities. The individuals are sterile and in the cases of the XXXY type retardation may results (Goldberg 184). Jacobs Syndrome In the Jacobs syndrome the individuals have the sex chromosomes coded as XYY, there is an additional Y chromosome and the individuals are always males or abnormally manifest male characteristics (Passarge 112). These individuals are supper human beings as they are very tall and in many cases may suffer from acne. Research also indicates that most of these people are criminals as they show abnormally high-level aggression and most of the inmates are of these conditions. The frequency of this syndrome is 1 in every 2000 (Passarge 119). Triple-X Most of the individuals in this category are females as the syndrome involves the addition of the X chromosome and the various codes are as follows XXX, XXXX, and XXXXX (Pinsky, Erickson and Schimke 253). Due to the extra X chromosomes, the casu alties assume abnormal female characteristics and the associated problems such as those of infertility as well as retarded mental acuity. The occurrence of this syndrome is in the frequency of 1 in every 700 individuals (Pinsky, Erickson and Schimke 257). With the realization of the fact that sex chromosomes have defects that can lead to the changes in the phenotypic characteristics of individuals has sparked a series of researches in the field of genetics. One of the current research researches that is currently on going is the identification of the component of that is essential
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The importance of speaking and writing in the Field of study dealing Essay
The importance of speaking and writing in the Field of study dealing with Cisco Systems - Essay Example Today Cisco is considered to be the largest computer information systems corporation of the world. It generates revenue of approximately 41 billion USD per annum. Cisco, apart from developing, designing and selling computer technology products, also offers a series of IT professional certifications. Entry, Associate, Professional, Expert and recently Architect are categorized under the levels of certification that the corporation offers. Apart from the levels, there are 8 paths that are also present in the certification program which include service provider, routing and switching, design, network security, service provider operations, storage networking, voice and wireless. These well known and valuable IT professional certification programs held at Cisco certifications are highly beneficial for the professionals, managers and the corporation staff itself. Importance of writing in the field of study dealing with Cisco systems: Writing is one of the most important factors in every fi eld of study. Be it the field of science, medicine, managerial sciences, commerce, law, humanities, in all sorts of field, researches are being done. This is to improve the fields of study and to update the students with the latest and accurate information in their fields and also to correct the wrong research works and theories which were made in the past. This is why writing is very important for every field because only good writing will put down the research work more vividly in front of the world. Without a good writing capability, the research worker will not be able to illustrate his/her research work clearly and will not be able to make others understand what the research work actually is all about. Cisco, being the world’s largest computer and networking corporation, needs to update itself with the new computer techniques and technologies and also to introduce new designs and technologies in the world of computer systems. As we advance into the new era and are living in a very fast moving world, where every technology, every theory, every scientific research and everything is changing its state day by day because of more and more research done on every tiny particle worldwide. Therefore, it is important for Cisco as well to hunt for new and unique technologies in the computer and networking operations. Therefore, a student who is studying IT professional certification dealing with Cisco should also constantly make researches. For writing down a research paper, a student must have good writing abilities and skills, without which a good piece of work cannot be written as the student will not be able to clearly elaborate the research which he has made and will not be able to explain his research work, his points of view and the benefits which he thinks he can provide to the computer and networking systems through his research work. Therefore, researching and writing in the field of study, especially dealing with Cisco systems is very important now adays. Writing in the field of Cisco involves qualitative research work. A qualitative research work includes a good quality of data, documents and evidences to understand the research and rely on it. Qualitative research work dealing with Cisco systems is done with a great variety of methodologies, logics and techniques. In Cisco systems, the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis of Global Corporate Strategies: Honda Case Study
Analysis of Global Corporate Strategies: Honda Case Study Introduction Honda may be the worlds leading automobile manufacturer, but the company is far more than cars. Some might assume that part of Hondas success came from its rich Japanese heritage and discipline, some might attribute the companys success to Hondas efficient and manufacturing and unique manufacturing system, which continues to turn out some of the industrys most impressive cars. However, thats only a very small part of the company strength. Managers who hope to emulate Hondas success must look beyond its administration and manufacturing system. The many pieces that comprise Honda from applications to management philosophies to products, combine to create a growth machine that is remarkably consistent. Therefore, this report is carried out to analyze the global corporate strategies adopted by Honda Motors and other world-class automobile makers. A) Compare and contrast the meaning of business level strategy and corporate level strategy in a global context. Business level strategy is a strategy that concerns developing competitive advantage. A firm must be able to supply a product or services more closely fitted to clients needs than rival firm. (De Witt and Meyer, 2004, pg. 667) By integrating and coordinating the sets of commitment and actions, a firm gains competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in specific product market. In the Honda case study, it is clearly shown that Hondas strategy of right-first-time or build in quality give Honda the competitive advantage by going against the theory of the western management model which says that: high quality cost more and took longer, low cost meant low quality; fast delivery cost more and risked low quality. (De Witt and Meyer, 2004, pg. 667) By adopting the right-first-time strategy, Honda saves a lot of money and time due to the reason that less wastage will incur and also the save on the time of testing the product again after it was completed. With the money and time save d, Honda can concentrate on further research and development plans. Corporate Level Strategy on the other hand is mainly is concerned with what type of businesses the company should venture in to compete with the development and coordination of that portfolio of businesses. Corporate Level Strategy is made up of strategic plans at the highest organization and corporate level. It involves portfolio analysis, diversification and primary structure. It is not restricted to one particular area such as marketing, personnel, production/operational or financial implications, all the departments that were mentioned are all taken into consideration. For multi-business firms, corporate level established the allocation of resources such as cash, allocation of staff, equipments and other resources are being distributed. In addition, because market definition is the domain of corporate-level strategists, the responsibility for diversification, or the addition of new products or services to the existing product/service line-up, also falls within the realm of corpor ate-level strategy. The corporate level strategy that Honda adopted to venture in the automotive industry from a motorcycle manufacturer has shown result by being the top manufacturer in the world for economy and midsize cars, compact SUVs and midsize SUV. ( B) Critically evaluate the process of reconciling dichotomies at Honda Motors with reference to the product-related core competencies versus process-related core capabilities dichotomy. The competitive advantage that Honda has over its competitors such as General Motor and Ford is its advanced internal combustion engines which can be found in all the various model of Honda Motors, which is an evident that Honda has successfully reconciled dichotomy. Let us take an example of the Honda case study, when all the players in the automotive industry are doing nothing to reduce pollutants due to the traditional view of pollutant can only be reduced by cleaning up the pollutant after combustion. Honda on the other hand did not believe on that view and after RD, came out with a CVCC (compound vortex controlled combustion) engine which will be able to reduce the pollutant in the internal combustion by lowering the maximum combustion temperature. At the same time, while its competitors do not believe in a car can be both fuel economy and engine power, again Honda do not believe in that and manage to introduce its VTEC (variable valve timing and lift electronic control) engine which in normal mode, the electronic controlled fuel injection system will control the fuel thin mixture which provide economy; while accelerating, the electronic controller will then allow a fuel rich mixture to provide significant more power. On the process related core capabilities, Honda has sought to combine the advantages inherent in what have normally been seen in the West as dichotomous. It is a norm for automotive manufacturer to produce with the traditional chain driven line which is controlled by a centralized system in the assembly line, which need very little skilled workers, what they needed is those workers that can obediently follow the instructions given to do the same job repeatedly to cut down on the cost of production. Honda on the other hand sees things differently. It has experimented on the free flow system which allows the worker to control the unit that is going to be assembled. The worker will confirm that the unit is in satisfactory condition before it will be sent to the next assembly point. That way, the cost of retesting the unit in later part will be eliminated. In addition to that, workers could be given a sense of control over the production process since they could make the decision that th e task has been carried out properly and should be sent to the next assembly point. In this way, efficiency and dignity can be combined. Again Honda has did things differently by over turning the traditional Western thinking that both efficiency and dignity could not exist at the same time. Another example of Hondas success is the production planning. Unlike its competitor which, completely adopting the large lot mass production production line system which, means that the production is organized to produce thousands of identical or virtually identical products in a row or series. In this system, at the expense of the product variety, cost reduction is achieved. Honda on the other hand, planned its production on a batch basis. Even though it is still implementing the large lot mass production, it had developed a small batch production system. With the system implemented, the units are sent down the assembly line in batches in which each vehicle is exactly the same including its colors. Workers therefore execute exactly the same task for each batch. Components are delivered to the assembly line in batches which exactly match the vehicles they will be fitted into. The objective is to combine the advantages of large lot mass production (simpler logistics and quality contro l, less error, and easier to program schedule) and small lot production (ability to offer a wider range of products to customers and greater worker involvement and satisfaction). Question 2 A) Too much Debt and Risk of Bankruptcy Mergers and acquisitions do not always benefits a company that initiates it. It will be very costly for a company if the decision of MA is made wrongly. Lets take Proton in Malaysia and QQ in China as an example; both are vehicle manufacturer in their respective country. QQ is not doing very well in China, but Proton is eyeing on the huge low cost vehicle will have in China market. Proton hopes to get into the huge low cost vehicle market in China by merging or acquiring QQ. The first obstacle could incur is the high legal expenses. Proton paid a huge amount of money for the legal expenses to acquire QQ and right after that the amount of debt that QQ is carrying will be transferred under Protons custody. Investment on RD is the next step in order to produce the right type of vehicle for the low cost vehicle market in China which may take a long time to develop, and then followed by the advertising and promotion. All the steps that were mentioned earlier will require a big amount of f unds that it is impossible for Proton to have. The only alternative is to seek back up from finance company. Adding up the debts that QQ is having previously and the exposure of Proton from the finance company, the debts are too much for Proton to handle. If the ROI was not realized as what Proton has forecasted, Proton will have a very high risk of being sued bankruptcy by the finance company or the debtors. B) Potential for Product Synergies It has long been viewed that product market synergies are key drivers of mergers. Mergers are a quick way to potentially increase product offerings if synergies arise from asset complementarities. One important dimension of synergies is the ability of merging firms to create new products and differentiate themselves from rivals when merging firms have complementary assets. Rhodes- Kropf and Robinson (2008) model similarity and asset complementarities as a motive for mergers but do not present direct evidence of their importance. In competitive markets, mergers are a quick way to potentially increase product offerings to increase product differentiation if synergies are important. Thus, firms may have incentives to merge with _firms that have different skills or technologies that increase the ability to introduce new products through synergies. However, because acquirers may be better at managing similar products due to managerial expertise and familiarity, mergers offering greater pr oduct similarity can also add value. There is thus a tension between merging with a firm whose product is very similar, and a firm whose skills or technologies are different enough from rivals to help differentiate the acquirer. C) Access to New Technologies and Emerging Markets Benefits such as access to new technologies and emerging market generate cost efficiency by having economies of scale and gain in market share can be obtained from having MA. For example, Chinas Chery and Japans Mitsubishi. If MA were to happen between this 2 company in 2 different country, it will be a win win situation for both parties. Firstly, Chery as a new player in the automobile industry would not have the technology to manufacture high performance engine, but by having MA Mitsubishis technology is accessible by Chery, in order to make sure that even Chery is a Chinese company but owns Mitsubishi technologies in its engine. It is very crucial to portray the image of Chery as a China product with Japans technology to ensure that a larger market share can be captured in China itself. Secondly, if Mitsubishi wanted to venture into China which is an emerging market it would not be easy due to the cost issue. To set up a manufacturing plan in China is the only way to deliver the v ehicle to the customer in the fastest way, but by doing that if the demand for their vehicle is not what Mitsubishi has forecasted, the will be in the financial upset stage. Therefore, by having MA, Mitsubishi can train the local staff to be more skillful to handle their assembly job. All they have to do is send in the parts for the local employees to assemble. In that way, the cost of operating a manufacturing plant can be eliminated and will be able to meet customer requirement of a shorter time to receive the vehicle that they have ordered. Question 3 A) Using information from relevant literature on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and appropriate examples from global automotive makers and suppliers; explain the impact of CSR on organizational performance in both financial and non-financial areas. CSR is defined as open and transparent business practices that are based on ethical values and respect for the community, employees, the environment, shareholders and other stakeholders, in short is a form of corporate regulation integrated into a business model. CSR basically do not take into consideration that how a firm spends it money but what is the way used by the firm to make money. In financial areas for those who are in the automotive industry, the most impact that CSR will create lies within the environmental issue. All of us that are living in todays world are talking about environmental friendly. As all of us know that while fuels are burned to create energy to move a vehicle, it will create pollutant to our environment. Therefore, those who are in the automotive industry must seriously take this factor into account to improve on the technology of the engines to reduce the amount of pollutant being release by vehicles into our environment. In order to do that, it will req uire RD, and that will automatically require a lot of funds to be invested in. To recap on the above phase of what is the way used by the firm to make money, the way used by the firm to make money in this case is environmental friendly by investing in RD so that the engine will release lesser pollutant to be more environmental friendly. In addition to that, for those loyal and skillful staff, the company should send them for training in Head Quarters for their carrier advancement. That will at first cost funds from the company but once they are back from training, their productivity and skill will be improve and in other words will transfer into profit for the company. As for the non-financial areas, those companies which put weight on CSR will have a better reputation among the end user. For example, Honda organizes a one day activity for all his staff to help clean up the city or organize tour to visit old folks home and orphanage. As an end user, I will have a feeling that even t hough Hondas final objective is to make money but it did have the consideration to give it services back to the society. B) Compare and contrast Japanese and Western strategic leadership model by reference to Table 5 in the Honda case study. Explain which of the two model you prefer, and why? There are 2 different kinds of management models in the Honda case study. Let us now compare the 2 models and later part decides on which model is more suitable for todays business. Let us compare the two models by the category. In Western management system, the work process model shows that its employees are categorized in the are those employee who just do their daily job but do not have a thought of how to improve on their job and they poses no skill to do their job. The Japanese on the other hand will have workers that are the thinking type and are multi-tasking. The production organization and logistics in the western management model will produce large lot production and just in case logistics and uses the push system; where as the Japanese will only have small lot production and just in time logistics and uses pull system. In the organization, westerners practice vertical type of management, fragmented duties and individually responsible for the action they have done. Japanese on the other hand practice horizontal type of management, broad duties and the group will be responsible even if the actions are cause by individual doings. As for the labor relations, the westerners will be more on job control focus, cross-company unions and hire and fire. Unlike the westerners, the Japanese emphasize on employment condition focus, enterprise unions and job for life. In the industry organization set up, western management model separates firms and have a distant inter-firm relations. The Japanese on the other hand believe in Keiretsu families and close inter-firm relations. Overall, the western management model is based on mass, standardized and fordist; where as the Japanese is lean, flexible and post-fordist. In my opinion, both of the model has its pros and cons. Therefore, the best thing to do is to integrate both of them. For example, a firm should implement horizontal management style to allow more communication but individual for responsible so that employees will have the motivation to work hard to climb up the corporate ladder which will create value for the firm. For production and logistics, both large lot production and small lot production can be integrated so that no wastage of time if some of the parts are not supplied on time. When comes to labor relations, the firm should also uses both hire and fire and job for life. Hire and fire for those bad workers and job for life for those who is good and loyal. Therefore, no single management style is suitable for all kind of business. The important thing is to customize the theories to the type that best fits the business.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Knowing Psychical Body :: Psychology Psychological Papers
The Knowing Psychical Body ABSTRACT: By offering four epistemological structures as guidelines, I will review the relationships as described by Freud between internal and external perceptions, conversion, and over-determination. In doing so, I have speculated that a second preconscious dynamic should be recognized as functioning within this system, namely the psychical body. The activity of this preconscious psychical body promises to resolve the aporias that arise in Freud's work concerning the role of internal perceptions in the processes of conversion and over-determination. In the end, I show that the positing of an imaginary, psychical body is the means by which the arguably intuitive, internal perceptions which Freud at times refers to as sensations and feelings are expressed according to the logic of imagination. The unconscious has access to a wealth of knowledge, and it is not expressed in a form we have come to expect truth to be in, i.e. following rational logic. But rather, it is a direction, an unconscious motion, that can be described to be more of an affect than a statement and is epistemologically the function of intuition resulting from a repressed logic. In the end, I show that the positing of a psychical body is the means by which, the arguably intuitive, internal perceptions that Freud at times refers to as sensations and feelings are expressed according to a repressed logic. First I will outline four possible ways of knowing. The first two belong to the realm of reason and, I will argue, occur at the level of a well-defined ego. Within the parameters of reason, one finds the mode of knowing which is common and well-known, that of rational, scientific, observation which concerns itself with moving bodies and their respective interaction within the realm of the visible in the sense employed by Merleau-Ponty. The second mode is what is known as abstract, rational, thinking, and here the individual is interested in the interaction of abstract bodies. The force behind this method of knowing resides in the abstracted bodies, which are extrapolations of what one once observed in the first mode of knowing. With regard to the two modes of rational knowledge, we see the individual observing the interaction of a plurality of bodies, for rationality operates on the assumption that the smallest number is two, (1) that is, rational logic are based on a binary system. Within this realm, all comparisons and observations need to be performed under standardized, regulated conditions, i.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Balance Sheet and Regulatory Features Paper
Financial institutions offer a wide array of services that vary in terms of transactions, clients, packaging, volume and other parameters. Among them are the investment securities firms, banks and insurance companies. In general, they all â€Å"perform the essential function of channeling funds from those with surplus funds to those with shortages of funds†(Saunders & Cornett, 2003). Then as they progress with their respective financial products, services, and target markets, then their roles in the financial world become more apparent. Investment Securities FirmsInvestment securities firms act as brokers and sell securities such as company stocks, commercial papers and promissory notes as well as government-issued treasury bills. â€Å"[They] assist individuals who want to purchase new or existing securities issues or who want to sell previously purchased securities†(Melicher & Norton, 2003). Full service of these firms for individual clients would include doing rese arch on securities available for them to invest in and rendering advisory services by giving clients timely information and recommendations based thereon (Saunders & Cornett, 2003).These they do also for corporate clients that park some of their idle company funds in securities – both fixed-income securities and stocks. These firms charge commission and service fees for their services, and this is basically how they generate their income. Depository Institutions While investment securities firms are non-depository institutions, those that are designated as depository institutions can accept deposits from retail savers. They include banks, savings institutions and credit unions (Saunders & Cornett, 2003).While non-depository institutions plainly act as intermediaries of funds from the sources (the investors and the savers) to the users (the companies needing additional working capital to fund their operations, etc. ), depository institutions can act both as intermediaries and as custodians of the money entrusted to them. When an investor goes to an investment securities firm to either buy stocks or to put some money in commercial papers, they know that their money is placed in the company that issued the securities (stock or debt instruments).They will therefore be concerned with the financial well-being of the securities issuer, and not so much the investment securities firm. This is because the company primarily responsible for the safety of the value and the income of their money is the same company that issued the securities they invested in. In contrast, when an investor goes to a depository institution like a bank to leave their money there for safekeeping until they would need to use it or to invest it elsewhere, the same investor is placing his trust and confidence in the depository institution.He, therefore, believes that the institution is financially sound and that putting his money in their custody is a safe move. The institution, in turn, ac cepts the deposits and stands to be responsible for them. In behalf of their depositors, then, they invest the pooled deposits elsewhere and lend them to qualified borrowers. Financial Intermediaries Financial intermediaries generally include banks, investment securities firms, investment banks, insurance companies and pension funds.They are grouped into three categories: the depository institutions (banks), the contractual savings institutions (insurance companies) and investment intermediaries (mutual funds). These entities stand between the lender-savers and the borrower-spenders and facilitate the transfer of funds from one to the other. (Mishkin, 2001) They receive money and pass them on as investments, subject to their respective agreements or transaction contracts with their clients.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Impact of Job satisfaction on employees Essay
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of motivation on job satisfaction (dissatisfaction) of journalistic employees employed by the national public broadcaster. The idea was to profile factors causing high motivation and job satisfaction and also to profile those factors that contribute low motivation and dissatisfaction at work. The rationale for the study was simply an observation that some employees seem better adjusted and happy at work and are able to cope well with the demands of the working environment while others are not. Another observation is that management seem not to be aware of what motivates their subordinates and to strategically utilize those motivational tools to maintain high levels of job satisfaction (or at least low levels of job dissatisfaction), high productivity and morale. The target sample was all journalistic staff working in the television and radio news rooms of the national public broadcaster in South Africa. The profile of the respondents included a variety of ages, gender, races, educational backgrounds, different work locations, different marital statuses and managers and non-managers. Data was collected using a questionnaire that was randomly distributed at Head Office in Auckland Park and to all the nine regional offices of the SABC. The major findings of this investigation was that three motivational factors, namely achievement, recognition and work itself cause 88% job satisfaction; while hygiene factors cause 12% job satisfaction. At the same time the research also found that three hygiene factors, namely supervision, company policy and administration and interpersonal relations with supervisors cause 60% job dissatisfaction; while motivational factors, namely achievement and recognition cause 40% job dissatisfaction. These results reflect the work attitudes of employees at the time of this research. The study illustrates that when employees are happy and satisfied in their jobs, their level of motivation is high and they perform at peak all the time. On the other hand, when employees are unhappy and dissatisfied at work, their level of motivation is low and they don’t perform at peak level. The study recommends strategies of how management can utilize achievement, recognition and work itself as a tool to keep employees motivated and satisfied in their jobs. It also recommends ways by which management can eliminate low motivation and job dissatisfaction amongst employees by improving management skills, knowledge and competencies of managers, building relations between managers and subordinates and also improving the quality of internal communication with employees especially on policy and administrative matters. Lawler (1973) in Dipboye, Smith and Howell (2000) incorporated the concepts of attained versus desired needs in his model of facet satisfaction. This model is an extension of the Porter-Lawler (1968) of motivation explained above. It is a facet satisfaction model because satisfaction with various components or facets of a job, such as supervision, pay, or the work itself, is considered. Lawler’s model specifies that workers compare what their jobs should provide in terms of job facets, such as promotions and pay, to what they currently receive from their jobs. However, simple need comparison theory is extended by also weighing the influence of certain worker characteristics (such as skills, training, and age) and job characteristics (such as degree of responsibility and difficulty). In addition, the model draws concepts from the equity theory of motivation by assuming that workers ultimately determine their job satisfaction by comparing their relevant job inputs and outputs to referent (comparison) others (Dipboye, Smith and Howell, 2000:149-150). Adapted: Figure 2.2
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